Monday, December 16, 2013

ADOPT A...rat?

You can adopt many things in the world, cats, dogs, cows, sheep, goats (thanks Heifer!), but now you can go one step further and adopt a rat!

Before I get some shrieks and shudders, let me explain.

I came across this while on tumblr (where else?) and immediately became interested. Since there are countries in Africa (and around the world) where there are still undetonated mines left in the ground from past or current wars, these rats are a safe way to find and get rid of them.

In Morogo, Tanzania trainers at APOPO's Training Center (on the Sokoine University of Agriculture's campus) train African Giant Pouched Rats to sniff for TNT and mine casing minerals. Covering patches of land that may take them only twenty minutes but takes a human a whole day to do.

Before you freak out over exploding rats and animal rights I should tell you that not one rat has died as a result of their job. Due to how lightweight they are (1 kilogram = 2.205 pounds) the rats do not trigger the bombs in a way that a full grown human most definitely would.

Need more convincing of how awesome an idea this is?

Mozambique once had one of the most severe landmine problems in the world. APOPO was the sole demining operator for the Gaza province, one of the most affected provinces in Mozambique. As of 2012, APOPO completed their project one year in advance.

Data taken from APOPO's website
These rats next job?

Sniffing out tuberculosis.

So in this holiday season if you find yourself in need of a gift for someone who you really can never find a gift for, maybe consider adopting a rat as an option (subscriptions to magazines are nice as well).

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